Social Contribution

Social contribution and our Group are inextricably linked. We firmly believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to society.

We support vulnerable groups

Dex-Tek Group supports the activities of organizations and groups whose aim is to help ease the suffering of vulnerable sections of the population.

We have been supporting the humanitarian institution for several years and have also served as its main sponsor, with our volunteer staff helping to raise substantial funds in support of the work of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics. This is an institution we believe in and we continue to organize events for this purpose.

Volunteering in general forms an integral part of our Organization and our staff participates in blood drives, charity bazaars and other events.

We provide financial support to social organizations

Every year, our Group financially supports various institutions and organizations engaged in charitable work. The financial support of Dex-Tek Group helps implement projects that improve the health and well-being of our fellow citizens.

Culture / Environment / Sport / Research

Over time, Dex-Tek Group has been supporting in diverse ways pioneering museums, cultural productions, exhibitions, publications and events, theatre performances and specific arts, such as engraving.

At the same time, the Group acknowledges that our environment is under threat and that modern organizations have an obligation to help address the problem. In an attempt to mitigate its environmental footprint, the Group has drawn an Environmental Policy, with actions including amongst others .

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